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Zhoushan Lawyers Association

(Zhoushan Bar)

October 12, 2022

Zhoushan Lawyers Association (hereinafter referred to as the Association) was established in 1994. It is a social organization legal person composed of all lawyers and law firms in Zhoushan City. It is a self-discipline organization of lawyers and provides services and management to the lawyers industry according to law. Since the sixth lawyers' Congress of Zhoushan City on April 20, 2013, this association has been renewed every four years.

The purpose of the association is to unite and lead its members to safeguard the dignity of the Constitution and the law, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, safeguard the correct implementation of the law, safeguard social fairness and justice, and strive to build a socialist country ruled by law with Chinese characteristics and promote the harmonious development and civilized progress of society.

The association accepts the supervision and guidance of Zhoushan judicial administrative organ and the guidance of Zhejiang Lawyers Association and all China Lawyers Association.

The supreme authority of the association is the lawyers' Congress, and the Council is the permanent body of the lawyers' Congress. When the lawyers' Congress is not in session, it performs its duties according to the decisions and resolutions of the lawyers' Congress and the provisions of the articles of association, and is responsible to the lawyers' Congress. The president's meeting is the executive body of the Council and is responsible for the daily leadership of the association. The Secretariat is the permanent working organization of the association, responsible for the Council and responsible for the daily management of the association.

In order to give full play to the Self-discipline Function of the industry, the association has set up 10 special working committees for the protection of practicing rights and interests, business guidance, discipline and punishment, financial supervision and management, cultural construction and publicity, member affairs and assessment, young lawyers, female lawyers, social welfare and foreign exchange, which are responsible for performing various special duties of the association. At the same time, the association also established seven professional committees, including civil and commercial, criminal and administrative, foreign and maritime, company and securities, bankruptcy and reorganization, intellectual property, construction and real estate, to conduct business discussions and exchanges and guide lawyers in this city to carry out various legal services.

The association is located in Zhoushan.