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When applying for recognition and enforcement of civil judgments in Taiwan, What materials should be submitted? —FAQ 5 on International and Interregional Judicial Assistance Cases Regarding Commercial Cases Involving Foreign Affairs, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan

by the BeijingFourth Intermediate Court

August 21, 2023

Answer: The applicant's application forrecognition and enforcement of civil judgments of courts in Taiwan should comply with the current effective provisions of the "Provisions of the Supreme Court on Recognition and Enforcement of Civil Judgments of Courts in Taiwan". The applicant shall submit an application form and attach the original or certified true copy of the civil judgment documents and civil judgment determination certificates of the relevant courts in Taiwan. If the civil judgment of the Taiwan court is a default judgment, the applicant shall also submit proof that the Taiwan court has lawfully summoned the parties, unless the judgment has clearly stated this.

The application should specify thefollowing items:
(1) The name, gender, age, occupation, IDnumber, address of the applicant and the respondent (if the applicant or the respondent is a legal person or other organization, the name, address, legal
representative or main responsible person's name, position, and communication method of the legal person or other organization should be recorded);

(2) Request and reasons;

(3) The execution of the judgment appliedfor recognition;

(4) Other situations that need to beexplained.