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When applying for recognition and enforcement of civil cases of marriage and family in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, what materials should be submitted?—FAQ 6 on International and Interregional Judicial Assistance Cases Regarding Commercial Cases Involving Foreign Affairs, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan

by the Beijing Fourth Intermediate Court

August 22, 2023

Answer: The Supreme Court's Arrangement onMutual Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil Cases of Marriage and Family between Mainland and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Courts has been implemented on February 15, 2022.

Applicants for recognition and enforcementof effective judgments made by the courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in civil cases of marriage and family shall submit the following materials:

(1) Application form;

(2) A copy of the judgment stamped by thecourt that made the effective judgment;

(3) A certificate issued by the court that madethe effective judgment, proving that the judgment belongs to the effective judgment of marriage and family civil cases stipulated in this arrangement;

(4) If the judgment is made by default,proof documents that the court has lawfully summoned the parties shall be submitted, except where the judgment has clearly stated this or the absent party has made an application;

(5) A notarized copy of the identitydocument.
To apply for recognition of an agreement ormemorandum for the dissolution of marriage in accordance with the provisions of Part V and Part VA of the Marriage System Reform Ordinance (Chapter 178 of the Laws of Hong Kong), the following materials should be submitted:

(1) Application form;

(2) A notarized copy of the divorcecertificate, or a notarized copy of the agreement or memorandum;

(3) A notarized copy of the identitydocument.