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To apply for recognition and enforcement of effective judgments and rulings of foreign courts, which courts can parties apply to? --FAQ 8 on Jurisdiction in Beijing area ofCommercial Cases Involving Foreign Affairs and Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan:

By Beijing FourthIntermediate Court

August 8, 2023

Answer: The party applying for recognition and enforcement of the effective civil judgment or ruling of a foreign court may apply to the Intermediate court in the place of the respondent's domicile, habitual residence or property location. Therefore, if the above jurisdictional connection point is located in Beijing, the applicant can apply to the court with jurisdiction in Beijing.

 北京市第四中级人民法院 --涉外涉港澳台商事案件解答之在北京地区管辖常见问题8:申请承认和执行外国法院生效判决、裁定,当事人可以向哪些法院提出申请?
