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A determination of industrial injury, Shanghai Opel Clothing Co., Ltd. v. Jiangning District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Nanjing

By PRC Supreme People's Court

February 3, 2023

Source: Key points of case judgment from "Gazette of the PRC Supreme People's Court" Volume 2022

Case Judgment Opinions Summary:

According to the Special Provisions on the Labor Protection of Female Employees, the employer shall arrange the lactation time for the female employees during the lactation period during the daily working hours. During the lactation period, female employees who return home to breastfeed during work and return to work after breastfeeding belong to the "on the way to and from work" in Item 6 of Article 14 of the Regulations on Industrial Injury Insurance. In this process, injuries caused by traffic accidents that are not their main responsibilities shall be recognized as industrial injuries.